Grays is proud to have a special relationship with the the Iserlohn club in Germany and with Voorschoten Leidschendam in the Netherlands.  In the past this has mostly been a social relationship but earlier this year the club in Iserlohn asked for our help following awful floods in Germany.  We were happy to help out and assist in buying a dehydrator to help the affected areas.

We have received a thank you letter from Iserlohn and below are some pictures of the work that we helped to achieve.

You can read the full letter by clicking on "Read more" below.

Dear Kevin,
Dear Adrian,
Warmest greetings from Iserlohn and I hope that all of you in Grays Thurrock had a wonderful Christmas time.
While 2022 is approaching quite fast we all hope that the conditions will be better during the next months - we are all tired of Covid and the measures been taken. The new virus variant Omikron keeps us on alert.
Hopefully we will be able to meet for Tripartite in Voorschoten-Leidschendam in May - we are all looking forward to this event and to personal meetings after nearly 3 years with the need to keep distance and reduce travel.
A view back on 2021 also makes us remembering the catastrophic floodings in Germany in July. Horrible pictures from the regions effected run over the TV screens and left us devastated.
But what friendship and solidarity means was brought to us in a very exciting way - when you at Grays Thurrock Rotary heard about our dehydrator project to support people in the flooded areas you joint us in our efforts and donated one of the machines.
And dehydrator no. 007 is still on duty in Altena and is helping to dry cellars. Attached please find some pictures of number 03 in action.
The Rotary Club of Altena told us that the performance of the machines is very good and that proceeds can be seen every day. People pass their thanks to the fellow Rotarians with tears in their eyes. It is expected that the dryers will be in use at least until the end of January.
Without any doubt a success story of Rotarian service - and a international hands-on-project with direct effect.
Thanks for your immediate action and support - we highly appreciate this great sign of friendship.
We wish all of you at Grays Thurrock Rotary a happy and prosperous new year - stay healthy and optimistic.
Looking forward to seeing you in May.
Warmest regards on behalf of your fellow Rotarians from Iserlohn,